Chapter Information

Recognized as a nonprofit organization in October 1978, the Utah Chapter of the American College of Surgeons would like to invite you to become a member of one of the most progressive and historically active state chapters in the country! It’s your membership that will continue to let the Chapter focus on important issues facing Utah surgeons.

With your Utah Chapter membership you will receive valuable benefits such as event information and legislative alerts. Members also have access to a newly-redesigned website with a completely new look, streamlined navigation, and special areas for surgeons and patients, as well as an online expanded membership directory.

Introduced as a new member benefit to boost the awareness of Utah Chapter Fellows, the “Find a Surgeon” feature has been added to the front page of the website. Using this feature affords all visitors to the website the ability to locate a surgeon in their area. As the Utah Chapter, ACS is a common source for Utah surgery inquiries, what better place to find a surgeon who takes their profession seriously. It is our hope that this new feature will act as a big benefit that will manifest itself in patient referrals and giving our fellows a leg up on non-member Utah surgeons.